Since the installation and maintenance of fixed fire extinguishing systems is an activity involving a high level of responsibility and in order to achieve consistent quality of our services, APIN sustavi Ltd. Has harmonised its business operations with the standard ISO 9001:2015.

                        In the process of installation and maintenance we comply with the Croatian laws and regulations as well as other international regulations and standards adopted by the Rebublic of Croatia. The design timetable and the set deadlines impose on obligation which must be met by our staff no matter what.

                        Owing to the quality management policy, we have achieved the following goals:

  • Satisfaction of investors
  • Satisfaction of suppliers
  • Consistent quality of services
  • Continuous professional training of employees
  • Employee motivation (responsible conduct, teamwork, individual efforts…)
  • Satisfaction of employees
  • Satisfaction of the owners of the company APIN sustavi Ltd.

We deliver a valid ISO 9001:2015 certificate upon reguest.

Download Quality and environmental protection policy_Apin sustavi d.o.o.